Memorial Day
What is Memorial Day and why should you care?
It's an honest question that 99% of the youth in this country, over the span of decades, haven’t the slightest idea how to answer beyond knowing they get a three day weekend. Most civilians in their early 20’s over the last 40+ years assumes it’s a time when all business have sales, and people are expected to get together on Monday to drink and barbeque. Unless they come from a heavily military influenced area or a military family, they also have no idea how to answer the question.
So what is Memorial Day? Simply put, it is a day set aside here in the United States of America to remember all who have fallen in time of military service; formally speaking of course. The day was first widely observed in 1868 to honor the scores of American soldiers who lost their life during the Civil War. What's the meaning of the day for myself? It is a day of somber celebration. I remember the face of every man I have had the pleasure of knowing who lost their life to war abroad or the war they faced within themselves when they returned home. I find these memories in random pauses in conversation, in images that spur thoughts, and in times I separate myself from those otherwise around me. These are the somber moments when I miss them, all of them. These are the somber moments. I also celebrate their memories as well as honor them in sharing stories with others, weaving their memories into things I write, and the continued furthering of both the lifestyle and ideologies we shared. I have been fortunate enough to have had so many close friendships with those whose have served but not serving in the military myself.
But why should we care? Because of the reality that freedom is not free, and that men have bled and died for that freedom, that they deserve to be recognized and remembered for the sacrifices they have made at the altar of liberty. It's a day to share this reality with others, so that they may at the very least understand that the life they may take wholly for granted has been allotted to them by scores of individuals over the decades who have paid the ultimate price in service to our country. This day honors part of what built and has maintained this country. To forget that, is to forget who we are. And forgetting who we are, as we have bore witness to over the recent years of “change” has lent itself to many idiocies that, if left unchecked without counterbalanced, will be the ultimate demise of our way of life and by extension, our country. As such, it is the responsibility of every parent to educate their children on the topic so that they won't be among those who are willingly or belligerently ignorant to this reality when they grow up.
Those that died, have died so that you may spend the day however you wish. They simply ask that you don’t forget them.
Love your stuff brother. Thank you for throwing this out there to clear some stuff up for those of us that love this damn country to its core, but have not gone to war…
“….we stand on the shoulders of giants.”
— Isaac Newton
My family enjoys the life we live in the greatest country the world has ever known. I think Ronald Reagan said it best: “We are forever indebted to those who have given their lives that we might be free”.
Never Forget.
Remembering Cpl Richard Parquette who was shot down in Cable Wisconsin by a coward while investigating a graffiti complaint…He was a friend…
To all those who passed to Valhalla before us, keep the feast table lit and warm, a millennia pass in moments, we will be with you soon.
To all those who passed to Valhalla before us, keep the feast table lit and warm, a millennia pass in moments, we will be with you soon.
Well put BC. I’d like to remember my best friend Mickey Zaun who was KIA Iraq 2005 while serving with SFOD. He is missed everyday.