"Toxic Masculinity"
After a day of seeing stories about "fem-boy" being the trending thing (again) on both TikTok and YouTube, then coming across an article about how screwed your kids (ages 10 to 16) are from the past year's lock down talking about how they are pronoun confused with many stating they are now gay or bisexual. Kid suffering from anxiety and depression, with suicides rates spiking... and the government is now proposing another lock down, I am all done.
Since the day the world shared with me the phrase "Toxic Masculinity", I knew we as a country were in trouble. I have since watched the decline of the male species, as it plummets toward this neutered beta male state, and have been fighting it every damn day. From what they teach my son in school, to what my family watches, to me ending up in altercations of various sorts because of who and what I am. Too many weak people in the world, and it only seems to be getting worse with this fem-boy crap and boys walking around arguing about their gender wanting to tuck their junk and dance around in a skirt for the world to see.
How did we as a nation allow this loud and obnoxious group of mentally weak and ill people to poison the culture of this nation? I've talked about the cycle which goes a little something like "hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times". I would argue that we have breached the door and are now knee deep into phase 4, with weak men creating hard times. I fear that it will be my son's generation that will have to deal with the hardest of time before the cycle starts again.
But we could alter the course and change the flow somewhat in our own homes with our own kids. Teach our boys what it is to be a man and do everything within our power to counter what society is pushing on our next generation and create the leaders that will pull this country back out of weak times. We should see this as a call to arms, and nothing less.
Do you hear me now?!
If you feel the same way, we just dropped this shirt so you too can let people know you're unapologetic on the topic.
Wow — for a bunch of self-proclaimed tough guys, you people sure spend a lot of time crying about how hurt your feelings are!
Got my shirts, thank you!
In high school I wrote a paper titled “the pussification of America’s youth” and all it was about was kids using ranch dressing on pizza or on chicken instead of BBQ sauce. I wrote it with humor intended but many classmates were pretty upset. Looking back, that ain’t shit compared to what they’re dealing with now. Good luck everyone. -Dave in CaLEFTfornia
Well stated. Our country has been brainwashed and the weak are in charge. I only pray the remaining warriors step up as the enemy is no longer over seas they are here and more are coming in droves!!!
I would like to republish you blog on a publication I run called Citizens Journal. You can check it out before you agree. citizensjournal.us
That’s why I made a Whiskey called Toxic Masculinity Whiskey. A middle finger to the Left, to the feminization of our boys and the downward spiral we as strong men are having to fight against. I have three young boys and I am doing everything that I can to support and be a solid role model. Raise a glass and embrace your Toxic Masculinity!
That’s why I made a Whiskey called Toxic Masculinity Whiskey. A middle finger to the Left, to the feminization of our boys and the downward spiral we as strong men are having to fight against. Raise a glass and embrace your Toxic Masculinity!
Going to go ahead and share this on fb and get another timeout. Well said and agree 100%.
I agree guys!! I have two boys and I’ll will do my best to make them men before my time comes.
Someone, or some group, needs to stand up for our children and grandchildren, right the ship, and make sure they still have a country once we are gone. Likeminded people like us are the last hope.
I’m fortunate to live in somewhat of a bubble in Central GA. My son and daughters have “limited” exposure to this nonsense however every passing day I see this festering illness creeping closer. I’ve tried to keep them grounded and focused on right over popular.
D Co 1/327 101st Abn
Seen this shit coming for years,soul reason I hardened my son up who is now 26 one of the last real men. I’m former 82nd AIRBORNE 11b1pc2 old school warrior. My son is also a Alpha type male ,people follow him and you can tell by the way he is a leader not a pussy ass twat biscuit wearing snow flake. TOUGH TIMES DONT LAST, TOUGH PEOPLE DO. AIRBORNE!
Tried to post on Fascist Book, they blocked it because “some people found it offensive”… of course the weak did!
Tried to post on Fascist Book, they blocked it because “some people found it offensive”… of course the weak did!
You are 100% correct! The Pussification of this Great Country is in full swing. Its time to Man Up and take the Country back! Semper Fi!
I have a bunch of your shirts already. They speak what I feel. Haha which is often a good warning before others try and speak to me. We may be dying but not extinct. I teach my son what it is to be a man. It’s our responsibility to take care of those around us.
I was always taught to respect my elders, take care of family, self-responsibility, and to hold the line both physically and morally when others can’t or won’t. And above all respect is earned, not given. I resonate with what everyone has already posted, and although we are a dying breed, we’re still here. Now more then ever, we have to pass it on and stand fast.
Preach! Your brand is my go to brand from now on Semper Fi
As the grandfather of your kids I am so proud that you stand on the principles that built our nation. For if we did not stand up as men against tyranny we would be under the thumb of oppression .We once again require MEN backed by the strength of each other to work together to bring us back to the balance of leadership that is needed once again- let us stand up and be noticed as a strong and powerful force and voice against the storm of the “other” society – FLEX ON!!!
I agree 100%!!!! I’m 45 and part of the last generation of real men. These boys today act like women and it’s very dangerous for our country and our future.
Once us old Boomers are gone I’m 62 I truly think the real men will be gone. Not to say there aren’t some men in the next generation but not in the numbers of us old Boomers. We grew up totally different than the younger guys we did crazy stunts , fights and tough guy things in our day. Someone told me we were raised that way because our world was that way. They’re saying the new men are this way because their world is this way. Can that be right?
I’m new to here but I belong. You go, we go brother! I’m ALL in and here to stay.
I hear ya loud and clear B.C.! This generation complains about anything and everything! Hurt feelings,etc.. our country is weak and divided because everything needs to be sugar coated and watered down to people especially millennial who have no idea what it means to do an “honest days work for an honest days wage.”
It is up to us to take back our country. Only the warrior class can save the nation and we are a dying breed. The country needs us now more than ever. I will stand with you brother, and I will hold the line.
Ive been seeing the same dam thing up here the world is a mess needs Men to be Men again